白皮书:An Integrated Approach to EV System Design: Addressing New Charging Standards and Trends
Learn about the new trends in EV high voltage system development for heavy and passenger vehicles and the resulting technical, safety and regulatory challenges in battery propulsion systems.
了解更多白皮书:Leveraging Voice Coil Actuators in Fast-Steering Mirror Applications
There are a variety of voice coil actuator design options which can effectively manage a fast-steering mirror applications - whether for targeting lasers, space applications, and more.
Fast-steering mirrors (FSMs) have tremendous utility in a variety of sectors, including astronomy, laser communication, and military/defense applications.
了解更多白皮书:Sensata's n3-BMS
Learn how off-the-shelf Battery Management Systems (BMS) that are certified to ISO 26262 Functional Safety standard at ASIL C level allow for design flexibility and software customization without a
电机控制应用中正确选择和应用三相 SSR 不仅需要对三相 SSR 有全面了解,还需要对三相电源系统有全面了解
在加热器控制应用中正确选择和应用三相 SSR 不仅需要对三相 SSR 有全面了解,还需要对三相电源有全面了解
固态继电器 (SSR) 和固态接触器 (SSC) 非常适合控制电机等动态负载,尤其是在需要频繁或多次启动/停止循环的情况下